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  1. #1
    يحيى الزهيري is on a distinguished road
    تاريخ التسجيل
    02 / 04 / 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي مشكله غي ملف ال htaccess

    اعضاء منتدانا الغالين
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    هي ملف ال htaccess
    عندما اقوم برفع ملف ال htaccess تظهر المشاكل وهي كالتالي
    1-عدم الدخول للمنتدى
    2-لاأستطيع الدخول الى لوحة التحكم
    مع العلم طبقت كافة الاجراءات المطلوبه

    الحطأ اللي بيظهركالتالي
    Internal Server Error - READ THIS CAREFULLY

    If you are getting this error, it is usually due to a file called .htaccess and it's contents. You can find out what is allowed in an .htaccess file by reading this faq (click).

    If you put anything else in the .htaccess it will create this error. You either rename the .htaccess to something else, or comment out the commands by putting a # at the beginning of each line that is not allowed.

    If you are getting this error and have checked, and fixed, your .htaccess or do not have one, please visit the forums on the main site and post in the Having trouble with... forum (click)

    ========================= =======
    وعند الدخول الى تعليمات ودعم الاخطاء تظهر التعليمات كما في الاسفل
    ========================= ===

    .htaccess - What is supported in .htaccess

    CWahi *does* support .htaccess to a limited degree.

    If you use any other commands in the .htaccess file than those below in blue, you will get a 500 Internal Server Error

    1. Allow/deny access to files or directories - Allow/Deny/Order

    For example, to ban access to a config file called config.php

    <Files "config.php">
    Order Allow,Deny
    Deny from All

    2. Create password protected directories. - AuthName/AuthType/require/AuthUserFile

    The .htaccess file is protected from outside viewing. As well, we have support for a secure directory called .data that you can place user passwords in.

    To protect a directory named foo in account mooo:


    AuthName Moo
    AuthType Basic
    require valid-user
    AuthUserFile /www/users/m/o/o/mooo/.data/users #

    You have to put the full path to the user file. I've named it users in my .data folder.


    user:$3$4f7gm...$awycq1ju p87nq2aglcsHP.


    مع العلم جربت اكثر من اربع اصدارت من ال vbseo
    لكن المشكله تبقى على حالها

    ارجو كل من يستطيع الاجابه الرد

  2. #2
    المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute المـ،،،ـافـر has a reputation beyond repute الصورة الرمزية المـ،،،ـافـر
    تاريخ التسجيل
    10 / 08 / 2006
    السعودية - الجوف
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: مشكله غي ملف ال htaccess

    ولا راح يعمل معاك حبيبي

    لأن الاستضافة معطله السيف مود


  3. #3
    يحيى الزهيري is on a distinguished road
    تاريخ التسجيل
    02 / 04 / 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: مشكله غي ملف ال htaccess

    شكرااااااااااااااا على ردك


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