Master of Orion 3

In this game, you will have ultimate contol over an entire galaxy. In terms of interactivity, welcome to the 5X experience. Former games were 4X --
eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. Masters of Orion III adds an important new fifth "X,"
eXperience. What this means for you is this: You will not be a mere observer in this storyline, but an intricate player.
This is an extremely deep playing strategic level game. The whole civilization depends on your leadership. You will not be micro-managing; but your decisions will have far reaching effects into every component of this game.
A player can do anything, but he can't do everything.
If the citizens of the empire aren't fond of your decisions, you may find yourself getting peacefully... or not so peaceably removed from your position of power. It is not enough to be an able economist or a great captain to succeed in Master of Orion 3;
considerable political, administrative and espionage spotting skills will be needed. Direct, lead and fight your way to the future you determine for the universe
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